What Will You Learn as an Intern
Our fall internships are in full swing! What kinds of things will you learn during an internship with Tampa Bay Watch? It’s best if you hear it straight from the source, so we asked. Below you can find out what skills our fall interns are mastering and what’s surprised them the most about the program. Think an internship could help propel you towards the career of your dreams? Check out what we offer and the deadlines to apply here.
Interns doing lionfish dissections
Intern Questions
Area of study?
What skill are you learning with Tampa Bay Watch that will help you reach a career goal?
What is your favorite part of the internship so far?
What has surprised you or been unexpected about the internship?
Cassidy Taylor
Human Development and Animal Studies double major
Learning better communication methods with others, animal husbandry methods, skills involving child education
Getting to know the different animals and feeding the lionfish
Having a different day everyday with new fun experiences!
Maggie Nestor
Environmental Studies major with a Marine Biology minor.
Some skills I have been learning with Tampa Bay Watch are public speaking and animal care which both will allow me to progress in my goals of working in animal husbandry. Public speaking skills allow me to help educate and provide confidence in future interviews. Animal care relates directly to working in animal husbandry which is extremely valuable to me.
My favorite part of the internship so far has been gaining hands-on experience with both marine and terrestrial animals and learning more about what it takes to work in this field in general.
Something that has surprised me since starting my internship with Tampa Bay Watch is how wonderful the team is. As someone with social anxiety it can be extremely daunting to come into an established team, but everyone has been extremely welcoming and kind.
Isabel Warren
Major: Environmental Studies; Minor: Coastal Management
I am learning about new education techniques and improving my public speaking skills. Also, learning about new organisms that highly impact species of Tampa Bay that I had little to no information about before. Both of these will help me in the future with my career. Public speaking and education will always be impactful for the rest of my life, but staying within Tampa Bay and understanding this ecosystem further is a vital tool that I can use to be more well-rounded and better educated about my surroundings.
So far, my favorite part about the internship has been feedings and learning about new animals!
What has been unexpected about the internship…is how deceivingly long the walk is on the pier. :)
Claire Reilley
Marine Biology
I am working on my public speaking and learning how to think of creative activities for all ages to enjoy.
Getting to feed all the critters and learn how they are cared for.
I was surprised by how much I enjoy maintaining a clean habitat for the touch tank. I am also surprised by the amount of creativity required to maintain the education aspect of the Discovery Center.